Rate Specials

Rate specials

Whether you want to earn more in the short-term or are looking to save for the future, we have a certificate of deposit account (CD) to meet your financial needs. We also offer an option to keep your savings on track, so you can achieve your goals sooner through our premium money market.


Term Rate APY*
6 Month 4.81% 4.90%
12 Month 4.17% 4.25%

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield.

The CD Special APY is effective as of 1/24/2024 and the interest rate on the account will be paid until maturity. A deposit of $1,000 is required to open this account. The annual percentage yield assumes interest will remain on deposit until maturity.  Interest will be earned each day during the period, is compounded quarterly, and paid on the entire balance in the account quarterly. Penalty will be imposed for early withdrawal. A withdrawal will reduce earnings.


Term Rate APY*
90 Days 3.93% 4.00%

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield.

The Premium Money Market Special APY is effective as of 1/24/2024 and is subject to change without notice. A deposit of $100 is required to open this account. A minimum daily balance of $25,000 must be maintained in the account each day to obtain the disclosed annual percentage yield. Interest will be earned each day during the period that the account equals or exceeds the minimum daily balance requirement. Interest is compounded monthly and paid on the entire balance in the account monthly. The interest rate and annual percentage yield is variable and may change at any time. A withdrawal will reduce earnings.


CD and Premium Money Market Specials may be ended at any time without notice.